Wimal Weerawansa Summoned To CID

Previous Minister and pioneer of the National Freedom Front Wimal Weerawansa showed up at the CID to give an announcement on the issue in regards to his wife's travel permit, Police Media Unit told Asian Mirror.

Weerawansa's wife Shashi Weerawansa was captured in February over the charges of acquiring a conciliatory identification in an unlawful way, in the wake of giving manufactured reports. She was later discharged on safeguard.

Sashi Weerawansa is charged to have acquired discretionary and general travel papers by submitting conception declaration with manufactured names and dates of conception. She had petitioned a strategic identification in 2010 by submitting false individual data which was diverse to what shows up in her past ordinary travel permit that terminated on May 24, 2009.

Colombo Crimes Division on May 15 educated court that the identification and National Identity Card of Sashi Weerawansa are imitations.
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