Draft Bill on 19A to be Bantered in Parliament

The draft bill on the 19th amendment to the Constitution is to be bantered in Parliament on Monday April 27.

For more points of interest, News1st reached Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody. The delegate speaker expressed that after the said bill is bantered on Monday and Tuesday, the individuals will be voting in favor of it on Tuesday evening.

The delegate speaker included that the bill will be gone, according to the constitution, in the event that it picks up a two third larger part.

In the interim, the National Movement for a Just Society, has chosen to take part in a Satyagraha with the point of passing the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

Director Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero said that they will accumulate close to the N. M. Perera Statue down Cotta Road in Borella at 10 a.m. on Monday morning.

The gathering is in this way planned to stroll to the Independence Square and begin a Satyagraha.
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