Casino-Ethanol-Heroin-Arsenic-Cigarette Cartels Running The Country

Jathika Hela Urumaya General Secretary Patali Champika Ranawaka stated that the country was being run by five spectres he added saying that they are namely, the casino cartel, ethanol cartel, heroin cartel, arsenic cartel and cigarette cartel.
Speaking at the ‘Satana’ political talk show yesterday evening on Sirasa TV, he said that corruption has grown in mammoth scale in the country. It is not just the 10 percent deals that take place today. Its 1000 percent or even 5000 percent deals that take place today, he added.

He added that they also have thousands of files to produce when it is necessary adding that he used the files once when allegations of fraud in coal purchasing was put forward. He will reveal more when the common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena comes to power, Ranawaka said.
He pointed out that when he started criticizing the power and energy policy, the government tried to throw a file at him charging there was a fraud in coal procurement. “We threw a thousand files at them and they now say no fraud took place,” Ranawaka said.

Ranawaka took the Kottawa-Pinnaduwa section of the Southern Highway and stated that the initial estimate for the road was US $ 2.74 million per one kilometer. "But the final cost was US $ 7.8 million per kilometer. Time has come to pay the debt and its interest now. While the yearly income is Rs 1000 million while the debt and interest in Rs 6500 million. Therefore, people of Sri Lanka pay Rs 55 million per kilometer of the road each year," he added.

Speaking further, he mentioned that most of these deals are technical frauds done by people who are aware of the technical side of the matter." If files are needed there are thousands of files to produce. There should be a powerful institution to investigate these matters," he added.
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